Docker Volume & Docker Network for DevOps Engineers

Docker Volume & Docker Network for DevOps Engineers

Day 19 of 90daysofdevops


9 min read

Docker Volume

  • A Docker volume is a way to store and share data between containers or between a container and the host machine. It's like a folder that exists outside of the container and allows you to keep data even when containers are stopped, removed or decouple the storage.

  • Docker volumes are created using the "docker volume create" command or automatically when a container references a volume that does not exist. Volumes are typically created in a specific location on the host machine's filesystem and mounted into containers as directories.

  • Volumes make it easy to save and access important information, and they can be shared among multiple containers, making it simple for them to work together and exchange data.

More on Docker Volume

To know more about Docker Volume, I'm attaching a blog post from spacelift community. Feel free to refer to this blog to know more about Docker Volume.

Spacelift Docker Volume Blog

Types of Docker Volume

  1. Host volumes: These are directories or files on the Docker host's filesystem that are mounted into the container. Host volumes provide a way for the container to access data on the host machine, and vice versa. The data is stored outside of the container, so it persists even if the container is deleted.

    • Let's say you have a directory on your Docker host machine at /path/to/data. You can mount this directory as a host volume into your container using the -v flag

        docker run -v /path/to/data:/app/data myimage
  2. Named volumes: These are volumes that are managed by Docker and can be shared between containers. Named volumes are created and managed by Docker, and their data is stored in a Docker-managed location on the host machine. Named volumes are often used for data that needs to persist across container restarts or updates.

    • You can create the named volume using the docker volume create command

        docker volume create mydata
    • Once the named volume is created, you can mount it into a container using the --mount flag

        docker run --mount source=mydata,target=/app/data myimage
  3. Anonymous volumes: These are temporary volumes that are created and managed by Docker, and are only used for a single container. Anonymous volumes are created when a container is started and deleted when the container is stopped. They are useful for storing temporary data, such as log files, that doesn't need to persist after the container is stopped.

    • Let's say you have a Dockerfile that defines a container that writes log files to the /app/logs directory. You can create an anonymous volume for this directory using the -v flag

        docker run -v /app/logs myimage

Here are some commonly used Docker volume commands:

Creates a new Docker volumedocker volume create <volume_name>
Lists all the Docker volumes on your systemdocker volume ls
Displays detailed information about a specific Docker volumedocker volume inspect <volume_name>
Removes one or more Docker volumesdocker volume rm <volume_name>
Removes all unused Docker volumesdocker volume prune
Mounts a Docker volume into a containerdocker run -v <volume_name>:<container_mount_path> <image_name>
Creates an anonymous volume that is managed by Docker and automatically deleted when the associated container is removeddocker run -v <container_mount_path> <image_name>
Mounts a directory from the host machine into a containerdocker run -v <host_path>:<container_mount_path> <image_name>

Docker Volume HandsOn

  1. Creating a docker volume

     docker volume create myvol
     docker volume ls

  2. Inspecting the docker volume

     docker volume inspect myvol

  3. To remove a docker volume

     docker volume rm <volume_name>
  4. Mounting the image to a docker volume

     docker run -itd --name voltest --mount source=myvol,target=/vol alpine
     docker ps -a

  5. Now execute the container and make some code change

     docker exec -it voltest sh
     # ls
     cd /vol
     vi hello.log 
     "Hello from the inside the container volume mount point"

  6. Now inspect the volume

     docker volume inspect myvol
     ##take the mountpoint address
     sudo cat /var/lib/docker/volumes/myvol/_data/hello.log

  7. Now stop the container and prune

     docker ps
     docker stop voltest
     docker system prune
     docker ps

  8. Now create another container and add it to the existing volume

     docker run -itd --name vol2test -v myvol:/vol alpine
     docker ps

  9. Now execute the container

     docker exec -it vol2test sh
     cd /vol/
     cat hello.log

  10. Now we have successfully completed docker volume, creating content from one container and reading the content using a second container using volume.

Docker Network

  • In Docker, a network is a virtual network infrastructure that allows containers to communicate with each other and with other networks or services. Docker networking enables containers to connect, isolate, and exchange data securely.

Docker provides different types of networks to suit different networking scenarios:

  1. Bridge network: The default network created by Docker is the bridge network. Containers attached to the same bridge network can communicate with each other directly using IP addresses.

  2. Host network: When a container is connected to the host network, it shares the network namespace with the host machine. This means that the container uses the host's network stack and doesn't have its own network namespace.

  3. Overlay network: Overlay networks are used for communication between containers running on different Docker hosts (machines) within a Docker swarm. This network type provides a distributed network across multiple hosts, enabling seamless communication between containers regardless of their physical location.

  4. Macvlan network: A Macvlan network allows containers to have their own MAC addresses, appearing as separate physical devices on the network.

  5. None network: Containers connected to the "none" network have no networking capabilities. They are isolated from other networks and cannot communicate with other containers or external systems.

More on Docker Network

Docker Network HandsOn

  1. Create a container name "login" using NGINX

     docker run -d --name login nginx:latest
     docker ps

  2. Login to the container

     docker exec -it login /bin/bash
     apt update
     apt-get install iputils-ping -y
     ping -V

  3. Create a container name "logout" using NGINX

     docker run -d --name logout nginx:latest
     docker ps

  4. Check the IP address of "login" container

     docker inspect login

  5. Check the IP address of "logout" container

     docker inspect logout

  6. Logged in to the "login" container and ping IP of logout container

     docker exec -it login /bin/bash
     # As we are using default bridge network both of the cont can have same sub net

  7. Listing all network

     docker network ls

  8. To remove network

     docker network rm <name>
  9. Creating a custom bridge network

     docker network create secure-network
     docker network ls

  10. Create a "finance" container

    docker run -d --name finance --network=secure-network nginx:latest
    docker ps

  11. Inspect the IP address of the "finance" container

    docker inspect finance

  12. Copy the IP of "finance" and ping it from "login" container

    docker exec -it login /bin/bash
    ping <ip_finanace>
    # As login and finance container are in different network so from one container we can't connect with the second container which makes the container secure

  13. Creating a container "host-demo" using host network

    docker run -d --name host-demo --network=host nginx:latest
    docker ps
    docker network ls

  14. We can verify using docker inspect

    docker inspect host-demo
    # We can see there is no IP address as this container is directly connect with host network

Task 1:

  1. Create a multi-container docker-compose file that will bring UP and bring DOWN containers in a single shot ( Example - Create application and database container )

     mkdir proj2
     cd proj2
     git clone
     cd node-todo-cicd
  2. Edit the docker-compose file

     vim docker-compose.yaml
     version: '3.9'
         image: abhisek6/node_todo_app:latest
           - "8000-8001:8000"
         image: "mysql:latest"
           - "3306:3307:3306"
           - "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=test@123"

  3. start the container

     docker-compose up -d
     docker-compose down

  4. Use the docker-compose scale command to increase or decrease the number of replicas for a specific service. You can also add replicas in the deployment file for auto-scaling.

     docker-compose up -d --scale web=2 --scale database=2

  5. Command to view the status of all containers

     docker-compose ps
  6. Command to view the logs of a specific service

     docker-compose logs

  7. Command to stop and remove all containers, networks, and volumes associated with the application

     docker-compose down

Task 2:

  1. Creating a volume

     docker volume create abhisek

  2. Learn how to use Docker Volumes and Named Volumes to share files and directories between multiple containers.

    Creating a container using Named Volume

     docker run -d --name container1 -v abhisek:/app nginx:latest
     docker run -d --name container2 -v abhisek:/app nginx:latest
     docker ps

  3. Creating and modifying a file in container1

     docker exec -it container1 bash 
     echo "Hello Docker" > /app/hello.txt 

  4. Verify that the data is the same in all containers by using the docker exec command to run commands inside each container.

    Using container 2 we can get the same file and output.

     docker exec -it container2 bash 
     cat /app/hello.txt 

  5. Create a new volume

     docker volume create mydata

  6. Create two or more containers that read and write data to the same volume using the docker run --mount command.

     docker run -it --name writer --mount source=mydata,target=/data ubuntu

  7. Creating and modifying a file in reader container

     echo "Hello from writer" > /data/writer.txt 

  8. Creating a second container using --mount & we can verify the file contains of reader container.

     docker run -it --name reader --mount source=mydata,target=/data ubuntu bash
     cat /data/writer.txt

  9. To list down all the volume and to remove a particular volume.

     docker volume ls
     # Before removing volume, stop the container first
     docker volume rm <volume_name>
     # If you are getting error removing volume try the below coomand
     docker system prune

Thank You,

I want to express my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you who has taken the time to read, engage, and support my journey as a becoming DevOps Engineer.

Feel free to reach out to me if any corrections or add-ons are required on blogs. Your feedback is always welcome & appreciated.

~ Abhisek Moharana ๐Ÿ˜Š
