Basics of Python

Basics of Python

Day 13 of 90daysofdevops

What is Python?

  • Python is a widely-used programming language known for its readability, versatility, and simplicity. Developed in 1991 by Guido van Rossum, it has grown to become one of the most popular programming languages worldwide.

  • Python supports multiple programming paradigms, including procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming. It is an interpreted language, which means that code is executed line-by-line at runtime instead of being compiled into machine code beforehand.

  • Python has gained popularity in recent years, particularly in the fields of data science and machine learning, DevOps due to its powerful libraries such as NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and Scikit-learn.

Installation of Python


  • Follow the below blog to install Python on Windows:

Python on Windows


  • To install Python on Linux, we have to execute the below commands

      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get install python3
  • To see which version of Python 3 you have installed

       python3 --version


  • In Python, a variable is a name that represents a value stored in the computer's memory. It acts as a container for holding data that can be manipulated and accessed within a program. Variables allow you to store different types of data such as numbers, strings, lists, or even more complex objects.

  • To create a variable in Python, you simply choose a name and assign a value to it using the assignment operator (=)

      message = "Hello Readers"
      # Here message is the variable name and "Hello Readers" is the value assigned to variable which is type String in python
  • To print output in the console we use print() function to display.


Data Types in Python

In Python, data types can be categorized as either mutable or immutable.

Mutable Data Type

  • A mutable data type is one that can be modified after it has been created. Whenever an operation is performed on a mutable object, the object itself is modified.

    Examples: Lists, Sets, Dictionaries.

  1. List: A list is an ordered sequence of some data written using square brackets([]) and commas(,) which can simultaneously hold different types of data

    Example :

     A = ["Abhi", "Ashu", 1, 2, 3]
  2. Set: A set is an unordered collection of unique elements that is duplicate values are not allowed.


     set_1 = {1, 2, 3, 4}
  3. Dictionary: A dictionary is an unordered sequence of data of key-value pair form. It is very useful to retrieve data in an optimized way among a large amount of data.


     dict = {1:"Abhisek",2:"Moharana", "age":24}

Immutable Data Type

  • An immutable data type is one whose value cannot be changed after it has been created. Whenever an operation is performed on an immutable object, a new object is created.

    Examples: integers, floats, booleans, and strings, tuples, frozen set, bytes.

  1. Numbers:

    Number stores numeric values. The integer, float, and complex values belong to a Python Numbers data type.


     # Integer: This data type is used to represent whole numbers, both positive and negative. 
     x = 7
     # Float: This data type is used to represent floating-point numbers, which are numbers with a decimal point.
     y = 9.8 
     # Complex: This data type is used to hold the value both integer and character with a "j" as the imaginary part.
     z = 1 + 3j
  2. String:

    The string can be defined as the sequence of characters represented in single or double quotation marks.


     x = "Hello Viewers"
  3. Tuples:

    Tuples are used to store multiple items in a single variable used to store collections of data.

    A tuple is a collection that is ordered and unchangeable.


     company = ("TCS", "Accenture", "IBM", "Google", "Microsoft")
  4. Boolean:

    Booleans represent one of two values: True or False.


     a = 10
     b = 3
     print(a > b)  # True

Thank You,

Abhisek Moharana